Tuesday, April 17, 2012

SQUEEE! Its here! Its here!

This calls for a purple day!  My birthday present is finally here!  Thank you New Voyager Trading and Paradise Fibers!

My pretty pretty spinny thingy is here!  She needs a name, but I can not think of one at the moment!

Introducing my brand spankin' new Kromski Minstrel!

Isn't she just beautiful??

A pretty castle style wheel that I chose in a Mohogany finish because I just didn't feel like spending a month or two finishing one myself because I am impatient.  Who knew?

I was supposed to play with one before I bought it, but the store didn't have any set up, and rather than wait, I went ahead and purchased it figuring I could get almost the full price back if we weren't compatible.  But I'm not seeing that happening since she can easily go from gossamer/lace weight singles to worsted weight singles with ease.  I have spun about half a bobbin full so far.  Bobbins are the thingys on her lower right hand side, but when you're spinning, there's an empty one up top.

Here's a pic of my half full bobbin.  No continuity in the yarn yet, but that's ok.  Practice practice practice!  And some of it is over twisted, which I am aware of, but it took me over a week to fiddle with the drafting and the spinning on my drop spindle, so I can assume it will take about that long to spin with conformity of size on the wheel.  Its definitely different spinning with a double treadle castle style wheel vs the single treadle saxony style wheel that my mother had when I was growing up.  Saxony style is the one with the wheel off to one side and the bobbin/flyer off to the other side.  Much much fun to be had that is for sure!  D wants me to "start yarning" and make lots of money from "yarning" on my wheel.  I will sure try!  Got to practice first!

It is so relaxing.  I didn't realize it went from 3 to 8 pm so quickly!  It took maybe an hour to build, and an hour or maybe a little more to practice treadling and get a steady pace going.  Then I spent from dinner time (5ish) to almost 9 pm "yarning" aka spinning.  I can see me getting carried away having fun and forgetting that I have to work in the morning... Like right now.  So busy blogging I look at the time and go "OH SNAP! MUST SLEEP!"  since I wake at 4:15 am.  Not for any reason but to be sure I'm awake by the time I get to the store.  And have "Mommy quiet coffee time" by myself, maybe with the cat.

I think tomorrow I will be yarning until I have to go to work!  Oh the funness of yarning!  Yes I am totally making random words up to fill up my blog!

Good yarning night everybody!

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