Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Oh for the love of yarn!

I hate falling in love with yarn I can't afford.  Its like wanting the car that has all the upgrades until you look at the price sticker and have a heart attack.

I have fallen in love with the Hazel Knits Club exclusive color ways.  Which, BTW, you can purchase if you're enrolled in the upcoming clubs.  The hard part is deciding which one I just can't live without.  I want them all! ALL I SAY!!  Because they are that awesome!  I just wish I had two hundred or so dollars to spare for said yarn.  I can save up... That's a moot point.  But it doesn't flow with the "have it now" mentality we all have.  And besides, now we're needing to save up for other upcoming items.  Like a new, bigger car for me, or say... new baby clothes.

We've told the grandparents involved, and now we tell the world... Hubs and I decided to add a third child to the mix.  Nothing YET, but its in the plans to start trying in the near future!  One child is super excited, the other... well... he says that he's the baby, and no having more unless its a robot.  Well guess who will have his heart broken when its not a robot :(  But he has been asking why our cat isn't having kittens.  And why we can't just put her parts back in so he can have a kitten from her.  And how are kittens made?  And how do they come out of her tummy?... Oh the joys of having a curious 5 year old!  But in order to satisfy his baby wants, he wants a baby cat.  A good healthy way to satisfy the baby rabies.  

On crafting fronts, I finished another pair of socks!  Don't know if I will try to sell them, or give them to K who is begging for them.  We shall see!!!!

 And its hilarious, there is a reflection along the top of the sock blockers of the corner of the ceiling!  I spent almost an hour gazing at it trying to figure out what the reflection was!  They were fun to make, but I did get bored towards the end, so I made them a small size so they would be done quicker.  Fits child size 4 to women's size 6-7!  Now on to 2 more sets of socks I am making.  Another "just to challenge myself" and one for a friend who requested hand knit socks.

As far as gardening news, I just received my last shipment of seed packets for the year.  I want a million bajillion tomato plants!  Ok, not really.  I just want to try out new breeds to see what I like and what I don't.  I also want to try canning my own tomato sauce and maybe making spaghetti sauce this year!  Save money... Or try to anyway.  We are such spaghetti fiends here that we're going to need a lot!  Which reminds me, instead of buying yarn, I should be saving up to buy the canning pot to use on our stove, since we need a specific one.  Oh the joys of being American.  Want want want...  Time for me to get my priorities in order!

Ok, off to get my priorities straight.  Maybe just my house straightened.  Either way, I'm off to save the house from itself!  Have a wonderful week!

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