Friday, September 16, 2011

Halfling Socks and such

So, its been a heck of a catch up week.  I've just about caught up on my house cleaning, and generally have been enjoying being home.  Its been nice to be able to meet my son every day after school, and hear how he's been having fun with his new friends.

That, and with all the cleaning I have been doing of my home, the motivation to do anything craft related has been low.  I had to force myself to get off my duff and finish my halfling socks (practice socks from 2 @ a time toe up).  I kinda skipped out early on the leg part and just bound it off.  I call them halfling socks because they are short and wide.  I just left my halfling socks on the back of the couch last night, not thinking a wit about it.  Trevor found them while watching "Thor"* with daddy last night, and asked what they were.  I said they were Halfling socks, and that his feet were too big for them.  He proceeded to put them on despite my protesting, just to prove that they fit him.  He then refused to take them off again for the whole night.  Even wore them to bed, which he NEVER does.  He even wanted to wear them to school this morning, but I had to convince him that the halfling socks would not fit into his shoes, and he had to wear regular socks in order to go to school.  We almost had a refusal to go to school today.  

So, my son is now thinking he's a halfling (has the socks back on, if a little wide), and is insisting that I need to make him another pair.  Which, in reality, I am super excited to do.  But, I need my new cable needles to come in!  They should be here either Saturday or Monday in the mail.  Darn that online ordering!  For my quiet time last night, I thought starting a shawl would be awesome, for i have given up on the last hat i was making.  I just got too frusterated with it.  The shawl is easy enough to start, but I had to read the instructions a few times in order to translate it.  Sheesh, one would think that saying something like "follow chart A rows 1-15 once, chart b rows 1-13 once, chart a rows 17-25 eight times, chart b rows 15-21 five times" rather than chart a rows 1-15 once, rows 17-25 eight, ...."  Because they are combining chart a and b to make the whole row so it looks like  
<Chart A><<<Chart B>>><Chart A>.    So confusing!  But now that I figured it out, it should** be easy enough to handle.

*Anyone else with children obsessed with super heroes finding they are watching "Thor" 105 times a day?... This should prove useful to my knitting AND to my house cleaning.  Gah.  I love the movie, have since watching it in the theater, however 105 times a day is a little much. Ok, maybe I'm over dramatizing it.  More like 10 times a day.  Granted while he's in class i do get a little bit of my own movie time.

**I am speaking in theoretics at this point in time.  Future posts may prove me wrong.

Well, off to clean and knit a bit while "Thor" is playing yet again on our television.

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