Here are the empty photos:
The one taken right after I finished threading the chord |
So now, my new project is a sparkly bag (one with beads on it), and a hat! Two projects at once! Who's the crazy person here? I am! But we all knew that.
Also on the new front: I set up my store on Etsy, I just haven't listed anything, and I need some graphic design help! I am utterly helpless at making anything neat on the computer, especially banners or the like for a page. Anyone know a person willing to barter for hand knit items? LOL!
My husband's 31st birthday is this Friday, and I bought him a flat panel monitor for his computer. But I was way too excited to wait for Friday to give it to him, so he got a week early. I must say its nice to type up my blog and surf the net without a psychedelic monitor that blinks, changes color, and fritzes out every few minutes. We were long over due for a new one, and I think I made a good choice! Much crisper and, well, not so seizure inducing as the last one... Off to go knit the rest of my beady bag! And maybe a little bit of the hat as well!
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