Speaking of, I wanted to start a hat today with a new book I got a few weeks ago. It is knit in the round, and i haven't done something like that for about 10 years, so I figured "why not google it? I'm sure there's instructions somewhere." And viola! There they were! A video on youtube! She even has her own website, knittingtipsbyjudy.com. From her i learned a fun new way to cast on... Ok, maybe not new, but new to me! By "knitting" them onto the needle! Like this:
Its neat, less time consuming, and less yarn consuming than my classical way of casting on! With the thumb and forefinger.... Like this:
What a pain in the hand... Literally. Anyhow, so I have learned a few things with this lady's help and I must say... this is AWESOME! Her videos are quite helpful too. But you have to go to youtube for the videos, they are not on her website. Oh well! Wish I would have watched her video last night on the Kitchner stitch. Would have been very helpful i'm sure. What I've learned today: your brain doesn't keep unused information for more than 10 years (gee whiz, wonder why!), and it's okay to have to go to youtube and watch a video on how to do it again. Darn it, why can't I be that smart! Anyhow, just wanted to say that whoever this Judy is, she's awesome... She's very helpful indeed! Since I had to wait at the DMV today, I thought getting started on said hat would be helpful. Sure, once I got the yarn all situated and cast on, I forgot how to connect the 2 sides... (thus my trip to youtube). But once I got that all figured out and squared away, the knitting took no time at all. Well, until I decided to not knit the pattern as it was supposed to be and had to rip it all out again. This happens every time I start a project, get so excited to only rip it out because I made a major snafu... Oh well! Learning experience! I think I have talked myself out, I'm yawning as I type. Tomorrow I have a day off, so maybe I can get more creativity time... Maybe.
Goodnight everyone!
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