Saturday, August 6, 2011

Slow Saturday...

So for girl's day out, my daughter and I went to the Farmers market to hang out with my brother and my mom.   Was not feeling so well since I am still coughing during the night and thus, get little sleep.  But other than that, it was a gorgeous day out and I got to see lots of greens and crafty stuff there.  There is even a woman who sells her home spun, hand dyed wool there with lots of nifty colors and textured yarn!  If I were functioning properly I would have had some great ideas formulating, but as it was, I was content to just take a preliminary tour.  My brother Mike sells jewelery at the F.M. during the summer, and more towards the winter he breaks out the crocheted hats and scarves.  We used to sell produce as well during the markets, but my mother no longer gardens.  Mike and I have taken that up (Yay dirt!).

So, the sun was shining, it was warm, and I was not feeling very well.  All i wanted to do was go home and sleep.  But did I? Of course not!  It was too pretty out!  So, we went to the garden to pick goodies.  My daughter held the bag open while I essentially clear chopped the swiss chard from around my brother's pepper plants... well only one plant.  What we chopped filled up an entire grocery bag, and maybe cleared 1 square foot of area. But while we were there I showed Kayla how yummy peas eaten right off the plant were.  And the difference between peas and beans, my different squashes, etc.

Then we washed the dog because he was stinky, and OMG it was icky.  Thank goodness for the "Dirty Car and Dog Wash" right down the street.  He is now not stinky for a little while.  Tonight was geek out night as well, so I only really knitted 2 rows of my neck warmer.  But the bright side is my neck warmer is now 1.5 inches longer than it has ever been! Yay!  And my stitch markers are working out wonderfully!  Some times I like being creative and thrifty at the same time!  Now it is time for sleepy sleep cuz I have to be up "early" for work tomorrow.  Boy, I noticed when I'm tired, I tend to let grammar and sentence structure go out the window.  So if you notice the incomplete sentences and horrible grammatical errors, I'm sorry.

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