Friday, August 12, 2011

A few days late...

I just love the auto-fill feature.  Every time I click onto the blog title bar, it comes up with all these great things i have searched for in the past.  However, that is not a search bar, stupid computer.  I haven't posted in a few days... But not because of lack of trying.  Its more along the lines of really busy the last few days between back-to-school haircuts, shopping, cleaning, knitting, working, etc. There just wasn't a whole lot of time to just.... sit.  Sit and type.

But here I am, relaxing after work and saying to myself "Oh snap! I've forgotten about my blog!"  Shame on me.  After all the progress I have made the last few days.  Progress and plotting... Oh the plots running around in my brain.  What to make next? What would sell better?  What colors would look awesome?  As well as the ever shopping online to see the pretty yarns that exist out there.  The resisting temptation is very hard at the moment.  Not a whole lot of money to spend on yarn right now.  But oh the dreams!

Anyhow, I got fairly far on my scarf...  I get to "graft" the two "live" pieces together!  This is how it looks so far:


Pretty neat!  Can't wait for it to be finished so i can see how it looks then.  Crazy!

I have a list going of books I'd like to add to my collection to make things out of.  So far that list is: Folk Shawls by Cheryl Oberle , Wrapped in lace by Margaret Stove, and Teach yourself Visually Handspinning by Judith Macke Mccuin.  Yes, I am very interested in spinning as well.  My mother had a spinning wheel and carding machine when I was growing up, but when they had to move on short notice she sold them in a garage sale.  None of us kids was too pleased with that, especially when we all had interests in crafting.

Maybe someday I can own one... We'll see how things work out.

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