Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How the time flies!

I meant to write a blog last night, but fell asleep before I could.  The kids and I watched a movie while I knitted, it was good mommy-kid time.  We watched "How to Train Your Dragon" and I must say, that is one of my favorite kids movies.  

My hat is now about 3 or 4 inches long, it is NOT twisted (yes I am proud about that).  The last photo of it i have was from 2 nights ago.   It looks something like this:

It is paired with the book for a visual reference LOL!  That picture was after completing one entire pattern set.  You repeat it 2 more times and then you're (almost) done!  Well revolution #2 is complete, just need to do revolution #3 and then I can start working on the crown decreases.  Then hat is DONE!  Oh so exciting!  What to make next hmmm....

On a side note, I am happy to announce that hubby and I cut our extra expenses by about 60%.  This is amazing!  But now instead of buying books, I am buying yarn.  I must say my new favorite shopping site is knitpicks.com. It has some amazing yarn and accessories.  Maybe some day I can find myself a spinning wheel and spin my own yarn... eventually.  My mother used to spin too.  Man, I miss that spinning wheel.

Ok, off to clean for a bit this morning, then I bet you can guess what I'll be doing.... Knitting!

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