Friday, August 5, 2011

The Beginning....

In the beginning there was coffee... Lots of it... Mostly because I'm not an early morning person anymore.

So this is my first time doing a public blog.  Everyone I know has one for some sort of purpose.  Doing movie reviews, all about work, and especially about cooking.  I love cooking, my brother is a chef and has his own blog about cooking even.  But... I'm not a confident enough cook to post what I make for the public to try.  However, I LOVE crafting.  Needle crafts specifically.  Knitting, crochet, sewing, quilting, cross stitch.  You name it, I've tried it.  I inherited this love of crafting with my hands from my mother, much like my brother credits her with the love of cooking.  He took after her in the kitchen, I took after her in the crafting room!  Some of my earliest memories happened to be when I was about 6, and my dad (!) was knitting me a scarf because my mother had injured her hand (my fault), and had to finish it for Christmas.  Shortly there after I remember picking up a set of needles and being shown how to cast on and do the stockinette stitch.

When we moved into the new house, my mother had her very own craft room, more like a large closet stuffed with cloth, yarn, desk with a sewing machine, and all sorts of odds and ends for crafting.  Even acrylic paint, and fabric paint.  One Christmas was all hand made gifts because we didn't have much money that year.  I helped my mother piece together quilt blocks and we made quilted pillows out of them.  My best friend got a hand painted shirt made by moi!  Then comes 4-H which really solidified my love of hand crafting.  I was in both knitting and sewing, and even made my own prom dress when i was 17.  My son also has a sweater I knitted for that year of 4-H (long before i thought about kids), which won the 3rd over all ribbon.  Man was I super excited for that!

So what brings me to the blogging world you ask?  Well, circumstances have changed very rapidly in my life, to where I am unwillingly going to be unemployed in the next month or so.  My beloved work and book store (yet another passion of mine), Borders, is being liquidated because our CEOs made some very poor business decisions.  My husband actually came up with the idea of having me craft while I look for another job, and possibly see if I can earn any money on the side with farmers/flea markets and craft fairs.  I thought that was an awesome idea, and thus, my blog was born.  So welcome!  I shall post my break throughs, struggles, and generally boring things that happen while i craft.

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