Monday, September 5, 2011

We're in the last 8 days!

At work, we are finally in our last 8 days of being open to public.  This moment is so very bitter sweet.  It is a relief that all the cranky people who came in to scavenge the carcass of our store will be gone, purged from my daily grind (that is unless they come back to haunt me in my future calling).  It is most defenitely scary thoughts as to what will become of me, of my family, of our household without some massive changes in our spending.  Yes, we have done better, but not good enough!  I am scared to death right now.  School is starting in 2 days, I will be applying for reduced meals for the kids.  I will be popping by the unemployment office as of Tuesday the 13th (maybe the 14th).  I will be stopping by Idaho dept of Health and Welfare to apply for food stamps.  Good gracious this STINKS.  I hate all the stress this is bringing me.  Yay insomnia!  Yay no urge to read! Yay no urge to eat!  What a healthy way to go! (/sarcasm end).  Granted, a pair of pants that was not fitting a month ago now fits, but its not the way i wanted to lose the weight.  I think not having a mocha every day before work really cut down on the excess calories.  Which is great.  And with my garden, we have been very blessed to have fresh, delicious vegetables more often than not this summer.  I do hope the community garden continues next year as well.

But it has also taken a toll on my crafty shenanigans.  I have finished 2 more "dice" bags, and am about half way through a third one.  Did I take pictures? No... haven't had time.  But they're cute!  One is the red of the last one with beads to make it sparkly.  The second one was made for a friend in this blue/green twist (see: Marine Heather Palette yarn) It's a pretty little yarn, and so soft too!  The one I am half way finished with is also all beady.  I am also interested in the Tidepool Heather which is more heavy in the greens rather than the blues.  Will have to wait a while for that one unfortunately.  Too broke at the moment. 

Speaking of broke, I have noticed lately that websites encourage you to spend lots of money because you have to reach a certain "minimum" to attain free shipping.  I always felt that was a rip off, and now more than ever.  To avoid a $6 shipping charge, we spend a good $20 to $30 more.  Crafting websites are no exception.  Really? Does it really cost that much to ship out a 1 or 2 lb box of YARN??  It weighs nothing!  Through the post office, they usually charge by weight.  For 4 skeins of yarn, it shouldn't cost more than $2 to $3 to ship in the United States.  If we were shipping to/from overseas, I can understand the higher shipping charges.  But an extra 6?  Way to pad the pockets!  We are so gullible.  Or thats the way I feel.

With these new colors, I have also purchased Knit Pick's Harmony laminated birchwood DPN (double pointed needles, guess what I used to make my free shiping!).  I LOVE them for the basic bag.  However I did notice while using them with a beaded bag, the beads are heavy enough that it has a tendancy to pull the stitches off the needles, and I have to go back and pick them back up and fix the boo boos that are created.  Don't know why exactly thats happening, but it sure is frusterating!  I have started a hat as well on my cable needles, but I've been having so much fun creating the dice bags that the hat has been set aside for now.  Man's views on the dice bags:  Need to sew more with more manly stuff on them, like flames, and skulls, and motorcycles, and women.  Ok, well when i find some flannel fabric with women, or skulls, or motorcycles on them he'll be the first to know.  Flames should be easy to find.  It also makes me giggle thinking that my husband is requesting such fabric, but wont come with me to find it.  Typical.

I do hope to be able to stop by Joann's tomorrow and check out their remnants.  See if any pretty remnants catch my eye.  Maybe one of these days I can make everything my heart says I should.  There just seems to be so little time in the day anymore.  Eh, eventually I shall get around to it.  Just hope its sooner than later.

That was a lot to catch up on!  I will catch up more after tomorrow.  Most likely day for update is Tuesday, because it will be "Mommy cry day".  My daughter starts the 5th grade, my son starts Kindergarten.  Where does the time go?!  Oh the horror!  Everyone have a good Monday Labor Day! 

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