Tuesday, September 6, 2011

We survived "Mommy Cry Day"! And got a dice bag from it...

Today was dubbed "Mommy Cry Day" by my boss.  Humorous guy... The start of Kindergarten for T, and 5th grade for K.  Got those two signed up for library cards (have to dig mine out... bah), and over all celebrated with pizza and a family walk.  We included the dog for good measure!

And at the end of it all, I finished my sparkly blue-green dice bag!  I love how quick and easy they are, and how nicely they turn out.  They also help me practice my kitchener stitch!  Gorgeous little beauties they are!

Ahh! the blurriness of a horrible camera!

Turned out rather well i think.  I enjoy the mild bling on the bag.  The green and blue beads really make the green and blue highlights stand out!

Suppose now i should move on to another project.  It is a quarter to 10 here, so off to bed i go so in the morning I can be up at a reasonable time LOL.

Night interwebs world!  Only one more week to go! Do you think i can make it?

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