Its apparently just a day for death and destruction all around. Today was our last day at Borders. Today just astounded me. First it was just complete numbness while at work. Kinda like 10 years ago. Numbness to all the destruction. No feelings as far as the desecration of our beloved book store. Maybe because it no longer LOOKED like a book store. We had a whole 4 or 5 carts of product at the beginning of the day. By 2:30 we had 4 shelves of a 6 shelf cart (and they weren't even FULL). I am both relieved and upset that the end of my fun job as a book seller are at an end. I LOVED working with books, i LOVED my coworkers, I LOVED going into work, even when it was frusterating and irritating at the same time. Its been a fabulous 5 year run guys, and I'll never forget it!
And yet, even today, I was asked 5 billion times, "what are you gonna do now? got a job lined up?" I look these people in the eye and say, "No, I dont have a job. I get to go to the unemployment office tomorrow and file for unemployment. I am going to stay home with the kids." And they look at me, like I'm an alien from another planet because for ONCE I want to stay home with my kids. Be there for them, cook, clean, craft and be HOME. That has been my dream job since I was little, and saw what my mom could do with knitting needles, sewing needles, crochet hooks, and well, an oven. I wanted to be the stay at home mom, dinner is on the table, "look at what I did today honey" person. I want to help my children with their homework, bake them cookies for after school snacks and BE THERE for them. I missed the first 5 years of my sons life, the first 10 of my daughters, and when she gets her first monthly I want to BE THERE to answer her questions. Is that just too much to ask?
Instead I'm being "recruited" by a Walmart manager who "needs experienced retail associates" like me. AKA not one to buckle under the Christmas shopper pressure. I just wanted to tell her "can you guarantee me a part time overnight shift? No? Well then, tough luck buster." But, I didn't. I said I'd hop online and "look into it." But do I really want to work for a soulless corporation again? Its a tough call. But today did bring much awesomeness in a box. We were brought Texas Roadhouse burgers for lunch. YUM. And there were "broken" e-readers for $1. I bought the demo of the old kobo for a buck. How awesome is that? Charging it now as we speak!
I don't know. Perhaps I am just tired, burned out, exhausted, depressed, or all of the above. Maybe I just want a BREAK. Is that too much to ask? Everyone who needed a job right away found one. Those of us that don't didn't. So don't feel bad, don't look at us like we're in the wrong. Maybe we are all just TIRED. This was one job in a million that I wouldn't have traded in the world. And to replace that with one that I hate immediately? No, not going to happen right away at least.
So, what have I been doing with my crafty time? I made a practice pair of socks the other day. Anyone know any halflings that need socks? They are short and wide and make me giggle. One pink sock, one white sock (to get used to the 2 @ a time). I really liked working on them. It was awesome to be able to watch a movie with my husband and work on some halfling socks. Makes me want to make more socks, but I need the right sized needles first! And of course i had to order them! Have I told you that I am utterly in love with Well I am! I like them! Maybe one day I should work for them! Are they hiring?
And I finally listed stuff on my storefront. Popped my e-listing cherry so to speak. Had to get over my giant fear of rejection and do it. Still feeling kind of rejected tho. No one is "following" my blog openly (sniffles!), and no one has bought anything yet. Of course I only listed 3 items. But still! Its the principle of the thing!
So, that is the looooong update for the last few days. Everyone have a good night and keep crafting!
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