And why is that you ask?
Because, my yarn is being set aside soon to be replaced by.... Gardening! Yes, it is the time of the year to plan out new garden vegetables, and to begin some seedlings of the slow to sprout variety. I know, I know, I should be beaten for setting aside my yarn. The great thing about gardening, is there is time between when things sprout to when they're ready to go to the garden, and then lots of time between going into the garden and harvesting. But there are also plenty of weeds to deal with too!
Oh man I'm so excited about this whole thing. I even offered to make up some flyers to distribute for the community garden I'm a part of. Silly me, why would I ever offer that? Because I've taken some Microsoft Office courses this semester, and am feeling pretty good about them, thats why! I have made one, waiting for Hubs to get home to look at it and give me his opinion. Then I might be making more! Maybe more simplified ones! AAANNNNDDD I'm going to hand them out around our neighborhood since we're all in townhouses with zilch for yards! Maybe even see about handing them out at the local apartment buildings, posting them in gardening centers, etc!
Yeah, I'm being overly excited about it this year. Yes I do have all my vegetables planned out for this year. Yes, I may even have a "chart" already in development for placement of all the veggies. And I may even be attempting to mix flowers into it this year as well, to lure the pollinators into my beans, peas, cucumber rows.
So whadda ya think? Should I start a second blog about gardening? Since gardening and knitting are so different a subject? Weigh in! I need opinions people!
Oh! I forgot! Here are the pics of my finished socks! And man are they comfy!
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